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[DD2K4] -- Disaster Drill Timeline
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001

    [DD2K4] -- Disaster Drill Timeline

    This is short on details, deliberately...

    The main scenarios will come to a head during the drill itself, which will start with the EAS test alert sometime during Tuesday, 31 Aug 2004. The scenarios that require a buildup are being built up starting now and will gather steam until Tuesday.

    The primary scenario's timeline:

    Sometime between now and Drill Day, Iran will successfully testfire a medium-range ballistic missile. Loads of threats will come from the usual rabblerousers, and culminate in pretty much the worst thing Iran could do right about the start of Drill Day. Things will go downhill from there, in a hurry.

    The secondary scenario's timeline:

    This one will be on everyone suddenly. Let's just say that the grid's vulnerabilities are about to be exposed. As are the nation's ability to deal with a trifecta of disaster.

    Tertiary scenarios:

    1. Expect to see a new tropical storm shortly. It'll make landfall on Drill Day - stay tuned to the DD-post weather "reports" for that one. Some will show up shortly if they haven't already.

    2. Expect Canada to have some interesting parallels with China over the next week. As for why/how, let's just say here that Canada's healthcare system isn't ready for what's coming. This one will show up in small snippets and build to Drill Day.

    3. Terrorists are opportunistic S.O.B.s. The first reports on that are already showing up. Where and when is anyone's guess (although Drill Day sure is a bad hair day waiting to happen).

    4. $49 a barrel for crude is the launch pad. That button gets pushed on Drill Day, and geostationary orbit is the first stopover. But, it might not be for reasons you'd expect.

    Basically I can't give anything away without giving everything away, so for now everyone might want to not move too far forward on their own. Instead, let the volunteers build the story for you, and play along with the present so you're not too far into the future when the time comes to deliver Drill Day. A couple folks are already reaching into what we have planned for next week!

    Amusingly enough, if left to your own devices, you crazed TBers would easily figure out where we're going based on what was posted so far!

    The "perfect storm" is coming on Drill Day, and weather is only a part of it...

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Any religion-related posts I make are as a member and not as a forum staffer, and are not intended to promote any specific agenda or doctrinal understanding as official or unofficial board policy. Official staff actions on my part will always be clearly marked as such.

    Deja moo - the feeling you've seen this bull before...

    "Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Too kewl!! Outstanding so far!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    What's made planning for the drill interesting is the fact that four of the seven scenarios envisioned are already happening for real. Life sometimes imitates art, and every now and then life beats art to the punch.

    Let's see how many of our works of fiction become fact, shall we?

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Any religion-related posts I make are as a member and not as a forum staffer, and are not intended to promote any specific agenda or doctrinal understanding as official or unofficial board policy. Official staff actions on my part will always be clearly marked as such.

    Deja moo - the feeling you've seen this bull before...

    "Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

  4. Thanks for the time line you guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Keno. Oregon, just outside Klamath Falls.
    Other than oil prices, and maybe another storm, and Iran making threats, which scenarios are happening for real? (I'm a whole lot more concerned about the real stuff!!)


  6. #6
    this should be GOOD!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sounds like fun, as well as a very good idea, will be happy to take part.


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