[B]Just Another Day at Work
A short story by Siskiyoumom[/B]

Tom was called into the manager’s office at 2:03 PM December 23rd 2005.

He knew what ever the manager had to say to him would not be welcome news.

He had seen five of his co-workers called in this morning and they all left either very angry, swearing and yelling as they left her office, or they were in a state of shock.

The previous week the long time employees found out that their pension fund had been raided by the owner of the company.

Some of the thirty employees had worked at the lumber mill for over 25 years.

They had never invested in anything but the stock of the company and their pension plan.

Tom felt as if his bowels were going to explode then and there.

He walked into Tammy's office and stood in front of her massive mahogany desk.

It was clear of all items except a stack of black Pee Chee folders with neat labels on the cover.

He read his own name upside down as she quickly picked his folder up.

"Well Tom, I see that you have been with Anderson Lumber Mill for over 29 years. That is a long time. I also see that you have $38,000 in contributions to the American Insurance Group Pension Fund. Well I have to inform you that the $38,000 set aside for the AIGPF have somehow been mislaid.

The State Attorney General is looking into the matter. I also need to inform you that as of yesterday, all of the Anderson Lumber Mill assets have been frozen to pay off the bankruptcy court. So the matching funds of 39,000 paid into the pension account are not longer available for your use. In addition, I am now handing you a 2 day severance pay check. As of right now the Mill is no longer in need of your services. Bob, in Security will escort you to your automobile and you are to immediately vacate the premises. In this folder is your check and official notice of your dismissal due to poor work performance. I need to inform you that the company will fight any attempt you make at collecting,” she said in a crisp monotone voice.

Tom fought to keep his bowels in check. He was stunned to say the least. And almost instantaneously his anger rose up out of his mouth and he yelled at her "For you to say that I was a bad employee is dead wrong. I have never, ever, in one day working for this company provided inferior work or attitude. How dare you say that I should be fired with cause?"

She gave him a sad little smile, pushed an alarm button, and immediately a pair of tough young buff security guards came into the office and grabbed Tom by the arms and hustled him out of the building.

One reached into Tom's jeans and pulled out his truck keys, opened his truck door and shoved him in, tossing his keys after him.

They told him to shove off. And he did.

Tom drove aimlessly for two hours and finally somehow ended up at home. Sitting on his front porch were his two teenage sons. As he walked up the drive they ran to him and enveloped him in their hugs.

He asked them what was going on and they told him their school was being closed indefinitely due to the international crisis in North Korea. He said, "What crisis?"

Instantaneously a bright light tore through the sky, a huge whoosh sound was heard and Tom and his two sons were incinerated by the fire storm created by the nuclear bomb that hit their home town at 4:05 p.m.

Tom who had once prided himself on being self sufficient and a hard core survivalist had neglected to pay attention to the news that week.

Christmas, the lay offs at work, missing his wife who passed away the previous spring, all kept him from being aware.

Their death was fast and in that, it was somewhat, a blessing?