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Thread: Tribal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Ok, Just started on this but some friends have been real encouraging so here goes.

    Tribal: Prolog

    The ball arched high in the air, briefly eclipsing the sun as it slowed almost to a stop before heading downward again. Gaining speed as it rushed toward the screaming children below, It suddenly changes course as it smacks into a dusty brown head and jets right past the outstretched hands of the goalie and into the goal. Score. That was it, the winning goal of the double header. "Too bad we lost." Thought Heather as she looked for her son, Thad, in the crowd of 10 year olds milling on the field. She was very tired after a long day. Getting Thad up and ready, grabbing a quick breakfast sandwich at the gas station, surviving the "urban combat" like drive into the city, finding a parking place close enough to the fields to avoid getting mugged on the way in, then sitting on the hot, uncomfortable benches for hours on end while trying to pay attention to what Thad was doing on the field. She loved every minute of it.
    "This is the last time" she says to herself, with obvious regret in her voice. She wanted to get out of the park while the police were still there providing protection. One of them said they would provide escort to the highway if they were ready to go in the next 20 minutes. She loved the fact that the league played some games in the city and gave her son the chance to play against other teams, but it was getting scary for anyone to go to the city anymore. She and seven other moms on her team alone had refused anymore foray's into the city after today. It was just too dangerous. The looks that the locals gave them and the comments from the parents from the other teams were downright racist and threatening. She had no doubt that these same parents were the ones urging on if not outright participating in this so-called "Black Spring" that had been raging in the city's and in the close suburbs for the past several weeks.
    The President's job's initiative fell flat last fall, spending more money and creating 0 jobs, giving money to the unions to pressure companies to hire more workers just emboldened them as they ratcheted up the rhetoric. The Tea Parties responded with calls for investigations and impeachment of the entire administration. The unions responded to this threat to their "cash cow" with violence. The Tea Party's offices were mobbed and looted, some member lists were recovered and members were attacked in their homes. Most went badly for the union thugs as flurries of lead were used to defend homes across America. The Justice Dept refused to prosecute any union member unless they were caught at the scene. The media blamed it all on the Tea Party for using racist words (trying to impeach the first half-black president is racist didn't you know). The results of the Debt deal were released and shocked most of America. Calling for enough spending cuts in the military to force us to bring most troops home and cut vast amounts of training. Cuts were imposed on Medicare, both in what was covered and how much the doctors were paid. And an immediate 10% reduction in "other" entitlement spending, no cost of living increase this year, and another 10% cut next year with no cost of living increase. Capital gains taxes increased and lots of loopholes were closed. Everyone faced the budget axe and no one was happy. In the meantime, "flash mobs" were increasing at an exponential rate as word got around that you wouldn't be arrested unless you were caught red handed. Community leaders actually got up and told the hoodlums to leave their communities alone and hit the suburbs. That's what they did. The teachers unions gave instructions to teachers to give their students a pass if they were out "protesting" in the suburbs, even to go so far as coordinating with other classes and schools to have a "teachers in-service" so the kids weren’t counted as absent. SEIU wasn't exactly sitting this one out, any minority that was foreclosed on set off immediate protests at the bank that dared to demand money from borrowers. Forget about trying to repossess a house.
    People were starting to band together to do simple things. Going tribal. Heather herself had organized trips to the supermarket with other mom's in the area. While her husband, Jason, went to neighborhood watch meetings, armed meetings. They distributed pictures of cars that belonged to homeowners and planned on how to respond if a flash mob appeared at one of their homes. They started to store food and water, looking up survival websites, and buying guns and ammo. Very tribal.
    "Yes", she thought, "this is definitely the last trip to the city," as she scanned the field. She spotted Thad and got his attention. Waving him over to her she said, "Thad, get a quick drink from the coaches table, grab me one while you’re at it, and then get your stuff. We need to get out of here."
    "Hey Mom? Are we safe here?
    "For the moment we are, but we need to get a move on." Did she miss something? Thad usually isn't as in tune with his surroundings as I am. He is still at that stage that as long as he is with Mom or Dad he is OK. Thad ran over to Coach Doug's folding table and grabbed a Mountain Dew for him and a Diet Pepsi for his mom then started toward his pile of stuff on the bench. Heather was talking to another parent as she folded her towel and zipped up her tote and missed the first sign of trouble. In the distance, if she would have been looking, she would have seen lots of young people, gathering at the street corner several blocks away. The cops were aware though and took a keen interest in the gathering. In seconds two cruisers were at the corner and the three cops got out and engaged the youths in some quick conversation. This did not sit well with the crowd as all they wanted to see was police harassment and intimidation. The three cops got the hint and backed off down the street in the opposite direction as the field, hoping to draw them away from the soccer moms and children. This was about the time Heather looked up and understood the danger she was in. "Damn," she swore, "10 seconds ago everything was fine!"
    "Flash mob!" someone said as she started to run to her truck, Thad was about 20 feet behind and starting to run also. Hoping to get to the truck and unlock it before Thad reached the passenger side. They were in a bad way as they were in between the locals and the youths on the corner. The locals had seen what was going on and were starting to migrate toward the youths. Heather got to the truck and unlocked her door as the first of the locals passed her truck on the way to the disturbance on the corner. "Stupid white b***h." one said as they passed. The speaker looked to be a woman in her 50's! She unlocked Thad's door and he clambered in slamming the door and grabbing his seatbelt. "Don't put it on Thad, get in the floorboard and stay there." Heather said loudly as she turned the ignition on and put the truck in reverse. Streams of local people were heading toward them from one side and youths were heading at them from the other side. It seemed like all of them were yelling and talking animatedly into their cell phones. Narrowly missing several scared soccer players she headed out of the park and pointed her truck toward the highway. In the rearview mirror she saw lots of police cars converging on the corner, but that wasn't where the action was today. The action was on the field, The color of the local teams jerseys just happened to be the same as the local gangs, yellow and black. And it was a wall of that color that washed over the few remaining spots of green and red jerseys that were left on the field. Heather could see men, adult men, beating and kicking children who were wearing green jerseys, she could see children in yellow and black, tearing through the bags at coach Doug's table like it was Christmas, she could see the parents of the opposing team blocking access to the cops, as if they had enough to do anything anyway. She stopped the truck and looked for Thad’s friend, Steven. "There he is," she thought, as she located the car he belonged in speeding away. "OK, everyone from our street is safe. Let’s get out of here Thad." She took off quickly and headed to the highway by herself. There would be no escort out of the city today. "Thad, were you able to get me a soda? I need a drink really bad now."
    "Yes mom but I wouldn't drink......."
    "THAD! JUST GIVE ME THE SODA!!!" She yelled. Instantly regretting it, realizing just how close they had come to real injury or even death at the hands of the flash mob and the adrenalin was still in control of most of her actions. She told herself she would apologize when she got home. A hand slowly reached up from the huddled mass on the floorboard and handed her the soda. She took it with her right hand and put it in her lap. She slid her fingernail under the tab and pulled. SPLASH. The soda exploded in a shower of sticky spray, soaking the front of her shirt and thoroughly dosing the steering wheel, dash, ceiling, door, and seat. A little voice broke the silence, “You know Mom, I'm almost eleven, you should start to listen to me more." They both giggled as the tension left them both, and they drove the rest of the way home silently, wet, but silently.

    Meanwhile, 7 young boys, 3 men and 9 women were hospitalized from the soccer field. All were wearing green and red.

    Yes, very tribal indeed.

    Chapter 1 Sedition

    "The President of the United States."
    The Man strode into the room with a purposeful stride, followed by his A.G. and the head of B.A.T.F.. "Please, remain seated gentlemen. General Tonka, what is the status of the redeployment of our overseas troops?"
    "Mr. President, In Europe, operation "Winds of Change" is ahead of schedule. We think total pullback will be accomplished by the end of the month. "Stalwart Foe" in East Asia is roughly on schedule, with all troops home in 3 to 4 weeks. Africa, South and Central America, and Libya are complete. The Middle East is our problem child, The troops are leaving the countries on time but the turnaround time for the airplanes is much greater than expected. Maintenance issues with the transports and resistance from State and City officials compound the problem. Putting the troops to work is the major hang-up in most of the cities. Most Mayors do not want the troops interfering in law enforcement issues."
    "Thank You General. I've called this session because the time is overdue for this country to regain her security and sense of direction, the Corporations and special interests have held sway for far too long. Keeping my people and other minorities enslaved in all but name. This has finally caused enough outrage that my people are starting to understand, and are angry. The violence caused by the Tea Parties and right wing groups like the NRA and The Boy Scouts have just been too much for my people to take anymore."
    While the President was speaking, black suited men, looking like so many modern ninja's, filed in the chamber, until one stood behind each member of the Joint Chiefs. On cue, each man around the table was presented with a single paper, on the heading of each was written the word RESIGNATION. "I have just returned from a special session of the 8 "super members" of congress where they voted unanimously to suspend the Constitution and declare Martial Law for the duration of the crisis. My first act will be to demand your resignation, effective immediately. You have failed America. That is why I requested your deputy's to attend. Now sign those and hand them to your handler behind you and stand up so the Joint Chiefs may sit in their own chairs."
    A clamor of voices rose from those in the room. "Why you can't.." "I don't see how...." "Good riddance to your...." "Shove it up....."
    "GENTLEMEN......" Interrupted the Attorney General, "Don't go away mad, .......just go away...." As a group, the stunned older service members rose and started to head to the door. Commandant Hackworth, USMC. Actually spit near the shoes of Deputy Calvers, head of the B.A.T.F. as he strolled toward the door. The shocked Second in commands, now the Joint Chiefs, slowly took their seats. And remained quiet. The old Chiefs clustered in front of the door waiting for it to open. It remained closed.
    Deputy Calvers turned to the President who nodded his head. "Emergency Executive Order #1, Members of the newly designated Special Branch will be directed to investigate, apprehend, try, and carry out self directed judgments in the interest of maintaining order. By order of the President of the United States, I find each of you guilty of sedition and sentence you to be remanded to the nearest Special Branch facility until further notice. Carry out the sentence." As one the old Joint chiefs sucked in one collective breath and their bodies went into fight or flight mode, some started to yell, some started to dive to the side, some just starred in shock. General Hackworth shouted "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" and proceeded to launch himself at the nearest Special Branch member. Across the room, as one, several members of the Special Branch raised their rifles and fired. For several seconds afterwards, as the ringing in their ears dissipated, the silence was almost as deafening as the rifle shots. The only sound was a weird, light clicking noise. CLICK. CLICK. Click. The clicking noise of General Hackworth's Artificial heart valves slowly stopped as the electrical impulses first became erratic and then stopped all together.
    "Now that that is done, I trust the remaining members of the Armed forces will remember their oaths and remain loyal to Me and the United States. Take special note that loyalty to Me and to the United States are one in the same." He turned and walked to the door, and then he was gone.

  2. #2
    time to shoot el presidente, good stuff need more

  3. #3
    Starting out fairly good but where's the rest of the story???? lol!!!!

    need MOAR!!! hahahahh!!!!!!!!!!

    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."---- Robert A. Heinlein

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Dallas, Texas
    Great start! Thank you.

    It would make it easier to keep your place in the story if you seperate the paragraphs a little though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Sorry it took so long, I've had bad news in the family and that takes up so much mental energy there usually isn't enough left over to do the fun things anymore. But here it is.

    Heather was irritated. She just left a soccer game that turned into a riot. Left teammates behind who were most certainly injured in said riot. Got lost while evading rioters on the streets and highways and ended up on the other side of the river in Illinois. She was running out of gas. She was soaking wet with sticky soda spray. But the thing that got under her craw the most was the snickering coming from the passenger side of her truck.

    “Thad, you can stop giggling now and help me find a gas station before we run out of gas, I don’t think we have enough to get home since I had to take the exit to avoid becoming truck bait.”

    “OK mom,” giggle giggle “I’ll try.” He said with a Cheshire grin. It wasn’t often he could best his mom, and be able to gloat at the same time. Then just as quickly as his grin came he remembered what had just happened at the field. “We aren’t going back to soccer there are we Mom?”

    “No Thad, we most certainly are not. I don’t know what this world is coming to but things are going to be different from now on. Your father and I were going to tell you this weekend, but after today I think you need to know. Besides it will give us something to talk about while we drive our extra hour and a half out of our way.”

    “What now Mom, Don’t tell me I have to quit my Akido class too?”

    “I’m afraid so bud, you and your brother are both black belts so you should be able to get along on your own now. With all the trouble that’s been going on your father and I have decided that we are going to take you guys out of school. That means no going into town for anything at all. You remember the neighborhood watch we started? Well it seems that everyone in our neighborhood feels pretty much the same way. You are going to be home schooled with the other kids from our subdivision. There are about 30 families left, of which about 20 of us have kids in school. We are going to come together and teach everyone at once in the morning and then split up for individual grades in the afternoon. No one feels the school is safe anymore after the security was contracted out to that group from the city.”

    “I don’t like it there anymore. Those guys all stand around and boss the kids around all day. Mrs. Ketchum caught them staring at some girls in fifth grade and when she went to Mr. Beck about it, they came and took her out of class. She didn’t come back after they took her.”

    “When did this happen?” She asked.

    “Last Thursday. Her purse and everything is still on the coat rack where she left it. We tried to ask Mr. Beck about her but he just tells us to be quiet and not to meddle. I think he’s scared of them. There’s a gas station on the next exit.”

    “Thanks Thad, I’m on it.” She made the turn off the highway and into the gas station. While getting out of the truck she reflected on what Thad had said. Things were worse than she thought and was glad they had already made the decision to take the kids out of class. She removed the gas cap and started to fill the truck when she noticed the car on the opposite pump was loaded for all she was worth. The axels looked like they were going to break. “Loaded down pretty good aren’t ya.” She said in a friendly voice.

    “We are getting out of the city for good.” The man said. “We had an apartment in a good area but lately things have gotten too bad. We had people start roaming our streets at all hours of the day and night. Kids had one of those flash mob thingies at our corner gas station and burned it to the ground. But the last straw for us was when Ms. Grendal got robbed and then raped right next door to us. She was over sixty-five, when the police came they just sent one officer who took a report. That was it, nothing else, just a report. We had to take her to the hospital ourselves because they said it would be hours till they could spare a truck to come get her. Can you believe that? They actually said “spare a truck.” Things are changing here in the states, and not for the better. We are going to my mother-in-laws in Kansas while the gettin is good. Did you hear about the checkpoints?”

    Heather looked at him in alarm as he said the word checkpoint. “No I didn’t hear anything. Where is it?”

    “The truckers are all talking about them on the C.B. radio. They said all the river crossings are blocked by the Army and it is taking forever to get across. And once at the checkpoint the Army is telling everyone to get home and stay home.”
    “Thanks, that info could come in handy. You have a safe trip.” Heather finished filling up the truck and returned to the driver’s seat. “Thad, that guy said there are checkpoints up ahead. If we get stopped I want you to keep your mouth shut and sit still. I don’t think these guys are in the mood for anything.”

    “OK Mom.”

    Heather pulled out onto the highway again and proceeded toward the I-70 Bridge back across the Mississippi river. Once she got close to the bridge traffic came to a standstill. She turned on the radio trying to find some information about the checkpoint but all she heard was normal music and talk radio. She had Thad tune in station after station looking for some word. Then it hit her. There was NO news at all. On the way up she had to turn the radio off to avoid the depressing news about all the riots and crime. News blackout, checkpoints, riots, army trucks everywhere, private “security” contractors who look like gangbangers taking over security at federal and state buildings. Few big rigs on the road, she wondered if this was the beginning of a civil war. “Surely not.” She thought. “Not here in the U.S. I’m not ready. Thad, honey, you can stop looking. I don’t think you’re going to find anything on the radio anymore.” She said, almost in a whisper as she inched toward the bridge.

    Tank was in a good mood. All his hard work and attention to detail had finally paid off. He was “In charge” of this checkpoint. Years of kissing butt at the BATF and busting stores that didn’t card for cigarettes and beer. Then on to bigger things like harassing gun owners who bought more than 2 pistols in a week, and checking on store owners who sold guns, looking for anything that might earn him some “cred” with the higher-ups (and a nice bonus as well.) Of course Tank wasn’t his real name. It was Aldolphus Quinteron James. With a name like that it was easy to adapt to a nickname. He got his nickname from his stout build. At the academy they tried to change his name to fireplug but it just didn’t have the same ring.

    But that didn’t matter now. His new position with the Special Branch suited him just fine. He was in charge. He had under his direction a platoon of solders from the 4th I.D. just back from pulling checkpoint duty in Iraq, a couple of highway patrol officers from Missouri and Illinois, and 2 more Special Branch officers. The only instructions from the higher ups were for him to “show the flag” and await further orders. He took this to mean he had carte blanche to do as he pleased. That and of course E.E.O #1 (Emergency Executive Order #1). Yes, Tank was in a good mood.

    “Trammar, I need a truck.” Tank said. “I want one with 4x4 and a good bed. Why don’t you hop in our Hummer and go scout one out for me.”

    “Yes sir, do you have a color preference?”

    “Yes I do, make it a dark color and be sure it’s in good shape.”

    “Roger that sir, I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Trammar half saluted and then ran to do his masters bidding. Yes, Tank was definitely in a good mood.

    Corporal Bohner was tying down a loose piece of cammo netting on his Staff Sergeants’ HMMWV and heard the exchange between Trammar and Tank. He was not feeling very good about his assignment pulling a checkpoint in the states as it was, and now he heard this Special Branch guy outright tell his assistant to go scout a truck so he can steal it! This wasn’t going to fly with his platoon leader, Lt. Danforth, well at all. He finished Tying up the loose netting and hurried over to Lt. Danforth. “Lt. Danforth? May I have a word in private Sir? Now.” He said with a little urgency to get his point across. Lt. Danforth, slightly taken aback by the abrupt nature in his troops tone, said “Sure Corporal, what do you got for me?” Corporal Bohner quickly explained what had transpired. When he was through he asked if the platoon was going to stand by and let this happen. “Of course not. I didn’t just spend the last 8 months in Iraq watching this crap happen just to turn around and let the same kind of stuff happen here. Get me Staff Sergeant Nichols, and an HP officer from each state, then quietly tell the troops there might be trouble and to lock and load. But do it quietly.”

    “I’m on it sir.” While Bohner left to carry out his orders , Lt Danforth casually strolled over to where Tank had parked himself for the afternoon. “Afternoon officer James. My troops have some cold Pepsi in the Comm vehicle if you would like one.”
    “Thanks Lt. that would be nice, and please, call me Tank, everyone does.” Tank said as he shifted his bulk to a more comfortable sitting position.

    “Staff Sergeant, would you mind getting Officer James and I a cold Pepsi from the cooler?” As Lt. Danforth said this he shifted his right side away from Tank and moved his hand to his holster. Looking at SSgt Nichols in the eye he slowly unbuckled his holster. Catching the hint, SSgt Nichols looked at the holster and then back into Lt Danforths eye. “Will do sir.” And he turned and walked back to the Comm truck.

    “Officer James, what exactly are we doing here? I have my troops checking I.D.’s and registrations, but anyone can do that. You seem to be “in the know,” what are the big plans?”

    Tank’s mood got even better as the Lt. spoke. This was the way it should be, underlings to bring him things, regular army begging him for information, other troops to do his work. If they did good he would get rewarded, if they messed up they would take the blame. Yes, life was good to Tank. “Well, as long as you’re asking, I’ll give you some advice. Things are changing here in the U.S. We finally got us a president who works for the common man, and I don’t mean the white dudes. We’re here to give the people in the cities some time to consolidate before we bring the fundamental change to the suburbs. When we’re done everyone will be on a level playing field, we will have finally made everyone pay their fair share. Now that’s change I can believe in.” He laughed to himself. “Now if I were you I would keep my head down and be as useful to our leaders and our new way of doing things as I could. When were done, you might even get a bonus for working with us.”

    “I thought that might be the case. I will look forward to working with you in the future Tank.” He said with an outstretched hand. Tank took the hand and gave a relatively week handshake. Lt. Danforth stood up, turned, and walked toward the comm vehicle where SSgt Nichols was standing with three highway patrol officers, one from Missouri and two from Illinois. "Officers," he said "I don't have a whole lot of time. It looks like this James character is going to hijack someone’s truck because he say's he needs one. According to the law, or at least this so called E.E.O. #1, it's legal for him to do so. Well, " he said, looking each of them in the eye, "Me and my boy's are fed up with this Special Branch. As is my command structure. I have previously been instructed to "test the waters" so to speak, with this Special Branch. This comes straight from the commander of the 4th I.D. I will not let James take some guys truck just cause he wants one. E.E.O. or not, I just cannot nor will not let this happen. So I would suggest that you find someplace else to be. And be sure to tell your buddies to be ready to make a choice here in the near future. We aint sittin this one out." With that he shook each of their hands, wished them luck, and then climbed into the comm hummer. He had some calls to make.

  6. #6
    oh yeah worth the wait time to kick butt and take names and the roll has already been called, good stuff

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West central Georgia
    ooooh, good chapter! I'm so glad to see you add to your story, but sorry that you've had bad news in the family!
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    If we aren't showing love, His love, then what are we doing calling ourselves Christians?

    Psalm 73: 25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
    26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Piney Woods of Deep East Texas
    reading & enjoying... thank you.
    Lynn mom to 10 and counting
    Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. — George Bernard Shaw

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Oh wow and a cliff again to boot lol. Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Las Vegas NM
    Good stuff!!!! Waiting for more.
    "Any government that fears guns in the hands of its citizens, should." -- Thomas Jefferson

    Proud Libertarian, Constitutionalist and Military Veteran

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    W. Georgia
    Yepper, yepper, need more of this story.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Heather was crawling in traffic, stop and go, stop and go. She was very glad she stopped for gas as she was sure she wouldn't have had enough with this checkpoint holding up traffic like it was. Thad was getting restless and Heather couldn’t blame him. Every few minutes they both glanced at the clock on the radio, willing the slow moving procession to hurry up. Finally now within sight of the bridge Heather studied the checkpoint up ahead. It looked exactly like the evening news showing a clip of some unnamed Middle Eastern country. She spotted two highway patrol cars leaving the checkpoint, along with several military trucks, she thought they were called Hummers, sitting in positions designed to intimidate the drivers stopped at the checkpoint. She now fully understood the term “overwatch.” Up ahead on the right shoulder driving toward her was a black HMMWV. As it got closer she could read Homeland Security in white letters on the hood, just above the wicked looking push bar and winch on the front bumper. As it passed her, the driver, a man in fatigues, was looking at her, no not looking, staring at her. The hummer quickly pulled a loop and stopped behind her on the shoulder. The man exited his vehicle and walked up to Heathers truck, motioning her to pull over to the side. She complied, pulling in front of the hummer and rolling down her window. “Thad, this is where you keep your mouth shut.”

    “Yes Mamm.” He replied nervously.

    “Can I see your license and registration and proof of insurance please?” Said the man in rumpled fatigues.

    “And just who are you and what am I being stopped for?”

    “My name is Officer Trammar, I’m with the Special Branch and your vehicle matches the description of one seen fleeing the scene of a crime. So I need you to hand over your license and registration and proof of insurance.”

    “I’ve never heard of the Special Branch.” She said as she produced her I.D. and insurance card. “My registration is in the glove box, I’m going to get it now if that’s OK with you?” He nodded and she reached in and retrieved her papers and handed them to Trammar.

    “Mamm, where are you headed and where are you coming from?” He asked.

    “Were on our way home and we are coming from a soccer match.”

    “Was that at the Sportsman’s Field Complex?”

    “Yes it was.”

    “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you follow me up to the checkpoint so I can verify some information. Hopefully you can be on your way quicker than sitting here in this traffic jam.”

    “Yes sir, I’ll just park it in the big dirt area just to the right of the bridge. If that’s OK?”

    Trammar nodded and ambled his way back to the hummer. “This is way cool” thought Trammer as it began to sink in exactly how much power he now had. “I could get Missy all the cat treats she could handle.” He thought to himself. “And the girls at the club sure won’t be so slow to dance in front of him now either. As a matter of fact, they’ll be begging him to sit at center pole position now.” Smiling to himself, he started the hummer and began to follow the truck.
    “All units respond role call for update to orders and new instructions.” Blared the scanner.

    “Alpha 1, Tango 30, Tango 6, Lima 22, Delta 17…..” The list was a long one as units called in to await orders. Eventually a break in radio traffic allowed Trammer to voice “Romeo 22” and the seconds later he heard Tanks voice “Romeo 6”
    Several minutes later he was parked behind Heather in the newly cleared dirt lot next to the Bridge. Using the loudspeaker installed on the hummer Trammer told Heather and Thad to stay in their truck. In the meantime he was copying the message as it came over the airwaves.

    “Dispatch 218 roll call complete, stand by for orders……. Orders as follows, NCA (National Command Authority) has announced Emergency Executive Order Number 6.” Firearms sales have been suspended until further notice. Possession of firearms outside of Local, County, State or Federal service has been revoked. “ Instructions as follows…..All units are to hand over their current duty assignment to local law enforcement or their federal equivalent and return to base. This information will be maintained in the strictest confidence. Further instructions and team formation for the apprehension of high value targets will be distributed individually before commencement of operation Dark Horse at 06:00. All units respond role call for acknowledgement. “Wooo Hooo. Now that’s what I’m talking about.”Yelled Trammar. He backed his hummer up and then pulled in beside Heathers truck. Exiting the vehicle walked over to the driver’s side window and looked at heather. “Mamm, Would you please step out of the car please? He can stay, this will only take a few minutes.” He said motioning toward Thad.

    Heather complied and went with Trammar over to his HMMWV. “Mamm, would you please tell me, in your own words what happened at the Sportsman’s Field Complex?”

    “Well, we had just finished the last game of the day when I noticed a large group of young people start to gather outside a corner store. Something happened and they started to rush the field. I thought it looked like one of those flash mobs so I got Thad into the truck and were one of the first ones out of the parking lot. As I was leaving, the parents of the other team started to call us names and started to push through the parking lot. The last thing I saw was our coach get knocked down. I high tailed it out of there and went straight to the highway.”

    “OK, that part makes sense but how did you get all the way down here? You still live in Walnut Grove Missouri? This is a bit out of your way? Isn’t it?”

    “I’ll say I kept missing my turns because of all the military convoys. After I missed my third exit I said forget it and decided to cross the river down here. I didn’t want to stay one more minute in the city.” Replied Heather, “Can you tell me why there are roadblocks over the river?”

    “I’m not at liberty to say, but I will say that if your story checks out you can be on your way shortly. I ran your license and everything is good to go there……. One thing though, you are a CCW permit holder in the state of Missouri, are you not?”
    “Yes I am, however anytime I travel and might slip into Illinois I leave the gun in the house. Like today.” Heather said.

    “Well, I’m going to search you and your truck before I let you go. Please put your hands on top of the hood and spread your legs more than shoulder width apart.” Heather complied and was thoroughly but professionally frisked. Next Trammar went to the passenger side and opened the door. “Hi there, you must be Thad.”

    “Yes sir, I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.”

    “My name is Officer Trammar there, now we aren’t strangers anymore.” He said in what he thought was a disarming voice.

    "I've seen the video's in school mister. Here's where you'll ask me to sit on your lap, "to help me see better." Or is it that you've got some new underwear to give me but you'll have to help me try them on first? I SAID I don't talk to strangers!" He said rather pointedly.

    "You need to watch..." Trammar started to yell when several noises ranging from giggles to loud guffaws interrupted his "respect your elders" speech. He turned around and right behind him were 4 soldiers laughing at him.

    "Guess he told you Officer Trammar of the Special Branch, formerly called BATF and E." said SSgt Nichols.

    "Your assistance isnt needed here, get back to your duties." Trammars said condescendingly.

    "Oh but I think it is. What has this young lady and her son done to upset the great Special Branch formerly called BATF and E?" he inquired.

    "E.E.O. #1 gives me the right....."

    "I DON'T GIVE A RATS REAR END WHAT ORDERS YOU WANT TO QUOTE! YOU WILL LET THIS FAMILY GO! NOW!!!!" SSgt Nichols shouted inches from Trammars face. Trammar blanched and then went white as he tried to back up but was stopped by the fender of Heathers truck. Looking around he took note of the fact that he was vastly outnumbered, in fact no one in sight would even look at him. And no one from the Special Branch was there to back him up.

    "We're under martial law, you can be shot for this."

    "Have you ever heard of the term lawful orders? How about Nuremberg Principle #4? No? Well let me school you some Trammar. It states that I can be shot for following an unlawful order just as well as not following it. That gives me a choice to decide for myself and my men. And let me tell you one thing Trammar of the Special Branch, formerly called BATF and E, that choice will ALWAYS be the words of the constitution. Got That? And since when were we under martial law? No one said anything to me, unless you’re holding out on us? What was that special message James got a little while ago? Not tellin? Then get back up there to him and stay out of our way." With that he bumped Trammar with his chest, daring him to make a move.
    Trammer, an accomplished bully himself, knew when to walk away. Visibly deflated he turned and started up toward the command HMMWV and Tank. Tank!!! He would get with Tank and together they would put this old buzzard in his place. As he thought this, he developed a viscous smile and looked back toward the truck. When he did his gaze fell upon Heather. Their eyes met and Heather felt a shiver run through her. “This isn’t over for him.” She thought.

    “This isn’t over.” He mentally projected toward the woman as he stomped off for his “daddy.” Tank was standing on the bridge itself looking toward the northeast. When his eyes found Trammar he shook his head no and made a wind up motion with his right hand, one finger pointed to the sky. Trammar picked up the pace and was soon by Tanks side. He started to tell Tank what happened but Tank was going to hear none of it. “You should be more aware of your surroundings Trammar. Besides we’re done here, it’s on to bigger and better things. I want you to ride shotgun with me cause when we get to that Toyota dealership I’m going to get me a new truck. I’ll send Smith to get your Hummer.”

    “Sure boss, let’s roll.” He climbed into Tanks hummer and they sped over the bridge and soon had left the checkpoint behind them. As he sat there thinking about what went wrong with that woman Heather, His hands, which had wondered into his pockets, and he felt something that shouldn’t have been there. He pulled it out and broke into a big smile. “No, it certainly is NOT over, Heather Jackman.” He thought as he gazed into the eyes of the woman on the drivers license picture.

  13. #13
    JBTs just have to be the way they are I guess, need to stop that gene pool at the root, with lead poison, good chapter

  14. #14
    wow! great chapter! I am "officially" hooked now. (was unofficially earlier and no I do not know the difference, lol!)

    Good thing she "felt" that he was not "done with it" so she can "prepare". chills ran up my spine!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Thank you for the new chapter, great.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2001
    West central Georgia
    I was hoping Tank and Trammar would be taken care of right away. Guess that would be too easy.

    The story is rolling along nicely!
    Visit my Etsy shop at

    If we aren't showing love, His love, then what are we doing calling ourselves Christians?

    Psalm 73: 25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
    26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    West Central Ohio

    The story started good and is getting better.

    How about some kind of numbering system if not chapter numbers, so we can more easily keep track of what we have and have not read?



  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and suggestions. I will be posting some more chapters this week. I have 2 almost done and another one running around in my head. If you are inclined to pray for strangers please look at the prayer request thread as this has occupied my time and thoughts as of late.



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