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Oh for Pete's Sake!
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Wonder where that came from?

  2. #2
    surprise, surprise, maybe Pete did have a BACKBONE

  3. #3
    Or the wife had a private stash. Honestly I'm betting on that. And I'm betting that she thinks it's safe for now. That's gonna be one massive blow up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    W. Georgia
    Stacks of hundred dollar bills, a gun and a gunshot wound. I think maybe Pete stole more than a car. If the wife knew about all that money Evie and Hap's place would not have been their destination.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    Evie shut her eyes, and then calmly told Zander "Thank you. I believe I should put that box up." Zander nodded agreement, thrust the box in her hands and ran to get another arm full of belongings. Tipping the lid a little more, Evie counted eight stacks of bills, each over 4" thick. She couldn't help it, her hands were trembling so; she almost dropped the box.

    Swallowing hard, Evie put the green and red striped christmas box full of cash next to the gun. Her mother's radar was tingling, sounding loud alarms. It didn't take much thinking to figure that it must be Pete's. Also, it obviously was not known to either Betty or Patty. The former would have spent it, and the latter would have blabbed about it.

    More and more, Evie figured she needed to walk to town and have a 'talk' with Pete. She racked her brain, trying to think of how to accomplish this mission. Hap couldn't go that far; they all couldn't go, the oldest 3 couldn't go-Pete would never confide in them, so that left Evie. It was a bit over two miles to town. She had walked it many times. But, and it was a big one at that, leaving the crew at home was not without peril in itself.

    All morning, as she cleaned Janey; scrubbed the kitchen and prepared rice for lunch, Evie thought about that money. It was like a heartburn with no cure. Pete had a good job. Or had a good job before this all came about. Well Evie, she cautioned herself; usually that much money comes from ill-gotten gains, cause there's no way Pete's job was worth THAT much. Pete worked on the line at Boeing. Good honest work with a fine retirement and medical. But not stacks of cash worth.

    After lunch, Hap took the kids to the garden to dig. That gave Evie time to snoop . Those stacks were hundred dollar bills right down to the very last one. With her trusty screwdriver, Evie pried open the cupboard kickplate wide enough to wiggle the cash box inside her hiding spot.

    Jane came in for her nap feeling feverish. Evie gave her a big drink of water and settled down. Water was just starting to boil for laundry duty, when Janey woke. What luck, Evie thought as she cleaned the diarrhea. Poor little kid, was hot with fever and a runny nose.

    Evie browned a tablespoon of flour, added water to a thick gravy texture and spent the next hour coaxing Jane to swallow the unappetizing paste. Wishing for an egg did no good. The hens were long gone, thanks to Betty and Claude. An egg would have made a better binder antidiarrheral for the child.

    Thinking back over the last couple of days; Evie couldn't pin point any certain food, or external item Jane might have put in her mouth. The child wouldn't touch the dandelion greens, so that was out. Maybe the tuna. Time would tell if it was a food, a cold or flu, or the onset of a childhood disease. She'd have to question Benny and Clora to see if Jane had her immunizations. Evie kinda felt like she knew that answer, but wanted to doublecheck.

    Evie made gravy to go over the huge pot of spaghetti noodles she cooked. Supper was happy and boisterious, except for Jane.
    Evie quarentened the child to their room; not wanting to chance giving all the kids the bug.

    At lights out time, Evie and Jane moved into the kitchen to be near the stove's warmth. It was easy and felt so good to be thankful to the Lord. A easy day, as days go. Evie was grateful. The night was not as kind. Little Jane was sick.

    By morning time, Evie knew what had to be done. Leaving the crew at home to eat pancakes, Evie wrapped Jane to her with a length of cloth, grabbed Benny and off they set for the hospital.

    The nurse whisked Jane into the ER room and wouldn't let Evie in. Neither Evie or Benny could prove relationship to the ill child, nor their wishes for her care considered. Evie could hear Jane crying; as she paced the waiting room, anxious for word about the child's condition. Hour after hour, doctor after doctor rushed in and out of the hallway, and Jane's crys were fainter and fainter.

    Pleading with the nurse/receptionest produced nothing. Finally Evie asked about Pete, was he in a room? There was a way she could prove he was the child's father. The overworked nurse looked through the sheaf of papers in front of her.

    "He was here until last night," Evie was informed with a sniff. "The sheriff hauled him off to jail."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Thank you and man I would insist on going to the baby, no way they could stop me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    W. Georgia
    PNW, I know you have a life outside of TB, but please write faster. The plot is really getting thick and I'm loving it. Thank you


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