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135 In A 70 - Dime Story 3
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  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Ok, not really happy with this. I'm not doing sinister very well tonight lol.
    Oh, and typing a story with your kids watching over your shoulder makes for interesting questions.

    Juan stood under the one lamp on the dock, watching with growing dread the dark clouds coming closer, and knowing the probable direction somebody was likely to want to take covertly tonight.

    His eyes fixated on a bug circling the lamp he almost missed the two figures approaching him from further down the dock. As they got closer he knew who they were, well, not so much who, but what they were, and who they worked for.

    "Hold it there boy," the one on the right said when they were within earshot. "What is your business out here?" The man on the left had his pistol out, swinging it casually back and forth as they walked forward.

    "Just waiting to meet someone interested in buying my boat." Juan answered without making eye contact. He knew he was a terrible liar, and this would at least get him a ride downtown to explain himself. Even if you weren't lying these days that was more likely than not to happen.

    The taller dark complected man on the left produced a badge. "Agents Smith and Smith, Homeland Security, no relation by the way."

    "Of course Agent Smith, well, I'd best get going and get my boat opened up. Potential buyers are few and far between these days." Juan made a move to walk on until the two men put their hands on his shoulders. 'Gee', thought Juan, 'its almost like they've done this before.' Had to watch the humor, Homeland Security didn't believe in humor."

    "Maybe we'll just wait here for these buyers of yours," Smith looked up at the sky. "Don't think they picked a very good time to put inspect a boat."

    "No, but you know how some people are," shrugged Juan.

    "Oh yes, we know how lots of people are, don't we Smith."

    "You got that right Smith," one man's hands searched his pockets while the other kept a firm grip on his shoulder. Juan's wallet was quickly rifled through and his ID extracted.

    "Well, Mr. Jon Rodriguez de Mortiz, boy I bet you had fun in school spelling all that. How 'bout we go have a look at your little boat while we're waiting?"

    Juan hung his head, "Sure thing sir."

    Juan showed the agents to his boat, quietly answering their probing questions as best he could without really answering. Again Juan knew he was fighting a losing battle. Too many years of being taught not to lie, cheat, and steal drilled in to him by his parents and the Church were arrayed against him now even though they had always served him well in the past.

    'This is a different world now my man,' Juan thought. 'Honesty won't serve you well in the days ahead. How are you going to bring your boys up in this new world?'

    The group of three turned as one as slow footsteps echoed off the planks behind them. Agent Smith, the one with the gun, brought his had up to shield his eyes against the glare of the light above them, leaving the muzzle pointed at the other Agent Juan noted ruefully. He took an imperceptible step back, noting the twitchy finger on the trigger.

    Three men dressed in black were making their way through the light drizzle that had begun to fall. Two older men, each with a black hat, one walking with a can, his long damp silver hair shimmering in the mercury blue light from above. The third, a younger bald man held his hat on one hand, the arm of the middle man with his other arm, assisting him with the slickening walkway.

    "Good evening Father Marin." Juan called out as he recognized one of the approaching figures.

    "Good evening my son, I'm so glad you could meet us." The three newcomers stopped a few feet from Juan and the agents.

    "Alright boys," Twitchy Finger Smith waved his pistol in the direction of the men in black. "Lets see some ID here. I'm Agent Smith with Homeland Security and we're out here investigating smuggling, and you all have the potential to make this a real interesting night."

    "Of course Agent Smith," responded Father Marin as he reached slowly into his coat pocket.

    As the Father pulled out his ID, Juan watched the biggest stack of hundred dollar bills he'd ever seen fall to the boardwalk with a pronounced thud."
    How many miles to Galt's Gulch?

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Dallas, Texas
    Thank you.

  3. #83
    Nice form of "ID", lol! Very interesting.... I cannot wait to see what is really going on and how this will go.

  4. #84
    Great story thanks for your time and for sharing it with us.

  5. #85
    Oh man, I hate getting to the place where I have to wait for MOAR.
    Great story. Thanks.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    About half way done with the next installment. Hopefully I can pound it into submission in the next couple of days.
    How many miles to Galt's Gulch?

  7. #87
    Oh man, things were going so nice and then nothing.
    hope to see moar. Good story.

  8. #88
    Darn it! I was so excited thinking there was more.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I know, winter dolldrums have set in, sorry guys.
    How many miles to Galt's Gulch?

  10. #90
    methos I saw that you has posted, also thought and hoped that there would be more. Checking every day.

  11. #91
    You have my attention now.


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