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Preserve the Library in each of us
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    South Texas Boonies

    3 Preserve the Library in each of us

    This is a repost of an idea which grew in responding to one of the stories and I think it may be a worthy effort.

    One of our regular posters on the Main has made the comment when one of our members passes that a Library has closed. That really brought home a realization of the value that each of us has and the knowledge each of us holds in our personal room in that library.

    Just sitting down and writing things and how they are done, like in a text book, is BORING and many tricks and trades are forgotten. This is where stories come in and and are oh, so valuable. Stories are also one of the best ways to learn since the skill is used in context of living. We should remember that even Christ taught by telling stories, we call them Parables. Maybe for those who write, we might again follow the example of the Master.

    Simple is good, we are not necessarily working towards winning a Nobel Prize for Literature. The story its self is a gem - remember that first paper bracelet your child gave you when they were tiny? Mine are more treasured than diamonds.

    They may be as simple as "I remember when", stories or as complex a story as Bad, Kathy, Pac, Kelly and others construct. But each of us have, if not a whole room, at least a shelf or two which can be passed on. We need to do it.

    Maybe I have an inflated value of this idea but I am going to post this also on Main, and invite others who don't venture over here to join us or to add their remembrances in written form to this or the On Your Own section of the board.

    Old As Dirt has written several wonderful 'I remember' stories of when she was growing up during the depression and contain many gems and she has shelf after shelf of knowledge - almost her own room if not a building in the Library. Let's all ask her (and any others we may know of) to move them over here they get 'lost' too quickly on Main.

    Any suggestions how to get people to contribute vignettes without thinking they have to have big stories. Just what you might tell sitting around with the family after a big meal, or around a campfire. Maybe if there is enough interest and no over criticism, we can start the TB2K version of The FoxFire Series. And if all works out maybe Dennis can start another sub room in Members Stories?

    I am going to re-post the majority of this comment to its own thread for the one or two people who might not be following Pac's saga and again on Main for those who have not discovered the gold mine of prep info in Members Stories.

    DM - who hears the tick tock of time running out.

  2. #2
    I personally, think this is a great idea. I do tend to add bits of real life events of my dear friends and family within my stories. Along with the fiction parts. I think this subject would be a great "sticky thread".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Where hiking boots go to die
    This thread is a good reminder that we all are mortal, tomorrow is not promised and neither is the internet. Family stories and history can be a rock in the foundation of child's charater. The other side of the coin is when the SHTF if I'm not here the family knows to check OGM's bookshelves because there is probably a book to cover whatever emergency or brush fire that has occurred. I am hunt for treasures on Ebay, garage sales, used book sales and library sale shelves. Old college and school text books, medical books, how to books can be had for a song.

    This thread also pointed out to me two failings on my part. All this information will be useless to them if they can't find it in a timely fashion. Secondly there is so much I would like to download from the internet and have not gotten around to. My bad. Each day the effluent does not hit the air circulating device is a gift.
    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. - Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west
    It is more than difficult to look into the future and live as today might perhaps be your last. It has been proved over and over that humans cannot function on 'high alert' every day, day in, day out. There has to be 'down' time.

    I suggest notebooks. A note book for First Aid, one for the various forms of cooking, water catchment etc. They can be easily customized to your particular situation, and family ability to comprehend. Copying bits of wisdom from a thread such as this, would be of valuable use.

    It all boils down much commitment are you willing to spend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    South Texas Boonies
    One thing I am doing with the family here, especially the teens is teaching other ways to do things and making them into a game - games and stories are great ways to teach.

    The back porch which for anyone living in the country is the main entrance - at least anywhere I have lived - has been invaded by flies. I showed them the insect trap made by cutting a soda bottle and turning the top part into a funnel so the flies can get in easily and harder to get out. Right now the kids are playing mad chemist to find the mix of stuff with soapy water to find the best bait to draw in the flies. I did give them the hint that you use carbon dioxide for mosquitoes and they are learning how to make yeast type mixtures and how to feed it to catch the skeeters, they are having a blast seeing which one can get the most bugs.

    There are some challenges I let them use the internet and others I don't let them - if I know I have the information sources here at the house. Still need to set up GrannyDM's bookshelf.

    Trying to make it fun, though they understand the lessons learned can really be life saving. I have also given each of them a stack of index cards for them to keep notes on for their own reference library. Luckily their parents are encouraging and independently participating.

    Last edited by DustMusher; 07-28-2013 at 10:58 PM. Reason: Typos - not feeling well today and my fingers don't listen to what I really mean

  6. #6
    great ideas!

  7. #7
    I remember back when I was a kid Mom would have us pour buttermilk, or soured milk, down the old outhouse. The added bacteria would help reduce the volume in the dug hole the outhouse sat over. That was before Redix came along. It will help postpone the day a new hole needs to be dug. Also, it's good re-purposing spoiled milk that would otherwise just be thrown out or fed to the animals.

    Also, some wood ashes poured down the hole would give a little relief from the odor.


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