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Story Clora's House of Gathered Up Children
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Good, found her, I hope they make it. Sometimes you just need folks to. Thank you Pac.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    SW Missouri
    God Bless You, Mrs. Pac. In these times in which we live, we need Blessings from God, like you...


    "Make haste, slowly." Marshal Wyatt Earp
    "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." -retired Navy SEAL, Kyle Swanson
    Condition "0," Code RED to BLACK- ALWAYS!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Southern born, Southern bred
    Thank you Pac.

    Got Jesus? It's hell without Him.

    * When the People become scared of the government it's called Tyranny. When the government becomes scared of the people it's called LIBERTY!!*
    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    Thank you Mrs. PAC

    I don't like how bruce acts about half the time, but I haven't given up hope that he and family will be ok. Sometimes it is just two steps forward 3 back, 4 forward to get anyplace for some folk.



    My family & clan are my country.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    nw mountains
    Thank you so much, I think I kinda needed them to try again. Wait, this is a story why do I feel I know them like neighbors? Thanks Pac.
    The word Bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. George Carlin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    Cody sat with a crying Abbi in his arms. Everyone concerned for Abbi, from Toby and Rennie all the way down through her friends and the Dr. that had come to help the wounded purge them selves of the horror and hate; had been waiting for her emotions to break open.

    Dr. Honey Latimer, was young, slightly chunky and very good in her field of expertise. Her name came from the color of her hair, and there was a lot of the thick, honey colored riotous curls she tried to keep professionally contained in a bun.

    Sitting on the patio with the vets, the breeze played with the bouncy curls, aiding them as they escaped confinement. One long strand kept breaking away, bouncing across her forehead, and that held Milo's attention with greater interest than what she was saying.

    Honey would take her breath and blow up, pushing the curl back to the top of her head, where it waited for the next breeze to float around again. The lady was giving them tools to cope with the problems they were facing and she was earnest and caring. Milo let his imagination run with the visual he was watching, and he didn't find any fault with the feeling or the reason he was more interested in her hair.

    Clora was standing inside, watching and she had that secret, soft smile that happened when she felt things were going right for her children. She felt things would definitely be right for Milo.

    Milo was close to the time when he needed to report back to the Army to fulfill the remainder of his West Point obligations. He was unaware of how dashing and handsome he looked, and it was the confidence that he projected that was so attractive. Most people didn't have a clue why they like to be in his presence, they could feel the interest and dignity he had in his aura and naturally wanted to be included.

    Honey was very much aware of the tall, red headed man that had regained his eyesight. Milo always sat toward the back of the small gathering as she talked to them about the choices they could make to stay positive. He leaned back in his chair, his arms out to the side and one leg crossed over the other at the knee. An open personality with nothing to hide, she had categorized him the first time they had been introduced.

    It was apparent to Honey that Milo wasn't hearing what she was saying, his mind was a thousand miles away; and she wondered how to bring him back to the session, without causing him embarrassment.

    Milo wasn't a thousand miles away, as a matter of fact he was much closer than Honey ever imagined. Slowly she worked through the group and then finished with a one on one short session individually in the school room.

    Abbi would be her most challenging patient, Robert was putting himself together with Mandy's help, Cody was so firmly fixated on Abbi it was difficult to keep his interest, Ben was waiting for shoulder surgery and he might have problems if the repair didn't go as he expected. Tess had a firm mind and was waiting and not pressuring Ben. And then there was Milo.

    Honey blew at her annoying curl again, and suddenly she could feel that Milo was way more interested in what she was doing, rather than what she was saying. When it was time for his individual session, Honey asked several leading questions and Milo answered them well.

    "I don't think you need counseling," Honey was sure he had a very good mind. He certainly did if his mind was anything like the rest of him that she could see.

    There was a long quiet pause and then Honey cleared her throat and went to speak. "Pardon me," she had apologized, "I'm afraid I'm not being professional." and she looked away, to gain perspective and control. Picking up her papers, Honey bunched them together and tapped them on the desk top to hold them in order.

    Milo took a deep breath, in for a for a pound and he stood up and walked to the desk. Bending over, he placed his hand at the base of Honey's throat and kissed her well.

    Immediately he could feel her heart rate slam into overdrive and the pulse under his fingers keep time.
    Milo walked out of the room whistling, feeling better than he had been. Much better.

    Clora listened to the tall, redheaded wonder whistling as he left the school room and she wondered if he realized he was whistling 'danger.' She decided he didn't have a clue, and she smiled again.

    Honey was glad Milo was her last patient at the session. She felt flustered and that her crazy, uncooperative eyes were crossed, and her knees were weak. That man packed around a powerful kiss, almost enough to be illegal. Too bad he was a patient, and therefore unavailable.

    What had happened was so against the rules, and so unprofessional, she could loose her license for allowing personal contact. It was quite common for patients to form a close bond with their therapist, after all the therapist knew their deepest secrets.

    What that man had done was really good for her own mental health, Honey decided. It was too bad she couldn't allow any more of his therapy.

  7. #7
    Thank you Mrs. PAC



    My family & clan are my country.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Southern born, Southern bred
    Thank you Pac.

    Got Jesus? It's hell without Him.

    * When the People become scared of the government it's called Tyranny. When the government becomes scared of the people it's called LIBERTY!!*
    Thomas Jefferson


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