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Story Clora's House of Gathered Up Children
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  1. #1
    Pac thank you for more of your never ending story.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thank you Pac!
    I didn't really bounce Eeyore. I had a cough, and I happened to be behind Eeyore, and I said "Grrrr-oppp-ptschschschz."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    Milo sat on the far side of the fountain, watching the doors of the Medical building. If Honey came out the door he supposed she would, he would get a chance to see her before she could spot him. Just a little treat for him, a something memory to keep in his pocket when he had to leave, he wanted to see her searching for him and what her face would look like when she finally saw him. Milo believed that would tell him a lot of what he needed to know.

    Honey was a couple of minutes late, and she looked concerned. When he stood up and she located him, her face looked like the sun had started to shine. Milo walked around the fountain and Honey seemed mesmerized, watching him. She almost forgot to say "Hi", or at least she thought she greeted him. She couldn't remember.

    She was wearing a light lime green dress with a matching jacket, and it made her eyes look like tawny gold. Honey looked so striking, she took Milo's breath away. He had heard Dad one time, call Ma, a lady cat. That's what Milo was looking at, a golden eyed lady cat and she made him shiver with the implications and excitement.

    Honey watched Milo walk toward her, and so help her she couldn't move. So tall and handsome, his blue shirt the same color as his eyes, and Honey thought he would be just fine for lunch. She wouldn't need anything else, but to sit and look at him.

    Honey couldn't hide in interest in her eyes, Milo watched as they turned a topaz color as he approached, and then she looked flustered and shy.

    "Is it permissible to give a lady a hug, or will I be carted off?" Milo asked with a smile, and Honey nodded. He didn't know which one it was and took a chance. That was a hug alright. Brief and casual and about 1600 degrees worth of heat and flame.

    "Lordy you smell good," he said aloud and then realized he had spoken what he thought. Grabbing her hand, they went back to the table Milo had appropriated and there was a small picnic of sandwiches and apples.

    "Thank you," Honey said primly, "you smell very gentlemanly yourself."

    Milo smiled. It had taken him a good hour to sniff all the men's fragrances at the department store to find the right one that suited him.

    Honey smiled back.

    "So, you have met most of my large, diverse and wacky family; tell me about Honey and her family?" Milo invited, as they started to eat.

    "Older sister, younger sister and much younger brother. Mom is in insurance and Dad sells Real Estate. I don't get along with my older sister, and you're about to see the reason why." Honey explained.

    Milo looked confused, but then a very thin and aggressive acting version of Honey came pushing through the crowd and fluttered her hello, turning around to surprise Milo with a full kiss on the lips, as a greeting.
    Milo stood up as any gentleman would do, when a lady stopped by; but mainly to get his lips out of her reach. He understood immediately, this was a 'she-shark.'

    He looked at Honey and arched his eyebrow, not at all amused or happy with the full court press. Honey bit her lip, but her eyes were smiling. "Jillian, this is Milo Linderman, Milo, this is my older sister Jillian Latimer." Hello's were given, and Jillian fluttered that she didn't mean to interrupt their lunch. As she wouldn't sit down, Milo was left standing.

    Finally Honey said, "Jillian, go away, we need to finish our lunch."

    Jillian fluttered again and then pretended to be deep in thought. "Linderman, didn't you go to West Point?" she asked like she was recalling a class mate.

    "Yes Ma'am," Milo replied, without taking his eyes off Honey. Milo had been in high school, he knew what Jillian was doing and he didn't appreciate it. Honey looked down and rubbed her forehead, and told Jillian once more to go away, they needed to finish their lunch.

    "I'm sure you'll excuse us, we really do need to finish our lunch." Milo smiled and then moved his chair right next to Honey and ignored Jillian.

    Jillian almost snorted, and Milo had very good hearing. But he hadn't come to town to see Jillian, he came to see Honey, and he really enjoyed being this close to her. Neither one of them paid attention to the older sister and Milo didn't even notice when she faded away.

    "I'm very sorry for that," Honey said in a level voice, "I made the mistake of telling mother I had a lunch date today, she wanted me to run errands for her."

    "I'm glad you stayed to have lunch with me. When are you coming out to the Farm?"

    "Monday afternoon. I'm afraid Abbi is a tough case."

    Milo nodded, "it's soon to get worse. Cody really fancies himself in love with her, and he leaves in a week to go back to the Army. We both have obligations there, for our West point training."

    Honey's eyes instantly flew to Milo's face. "Do you have to go then, also?" Acute disappointment tightened her voice, and her eyes clouded with unhappiness.

    "No, my physical is in two weeks, then I will have a week and then need to report." He very much enjoyed watching her reactions. They were honest and true and unguarded, and Milo treasured that.

    "The problem that you're going to be up against, is Cody. He used to be pretty decent and .....real, I guess is the word I'm looking for. When he finished at West Point, he got engaged to a very rich girl, with parents that called all the shots. Honey I'm going to tell you right up front I was involved in a scandal there, so you know the details."

    Carefully Milo explained the how, why and where fore of Charlie's involvement and how he resembled Milo so closely, many mistakes were made in the investigation. "I was completely exonerated, but I want you to go on line and read the complete account. I don't want any unexplained problems between us."

    "The war happened Honey, right after I graduated, so I can't say how the whole mess is going to affect my career. Maybe I will have one, maybe not. But I will tell you what I will do. I will be at the farm Monday afternoon, after you read the papers and are through with Abbi, I will be in the atrium. If your still interested, come talk with me. If you aren't interested, walk on by."

    Honey went to protest, and Milo stopped her. "Please for my sake, your sake and our sake; read the paper account of the trial first. Perhaps you won't be ready to take on such problems. I'm sure your sister made the connection, so you will undoubtedly get an earful."

    "My sister be dammed," Honey said with heat, "she's just like our mother, and their making my younger sister the same way." Honey looked at Milo and her eyes softened. "I have to go, I have an appointment. Hold still Milo Linderman," and Honey put her fingers on his throat and kissed him well.

    Shocked at her own boldness, Honey blushed, licked her lips and kissed him again. Then she hurried away, but stopped at the door to have one last look at him.

    Milo watched her walk away and he suddenly felt very warm. Warm like somebody cared, warm.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Thank you so much Pac

  5. #5
    Thank you Pac wonderful story and a great chapter.


  6. #6
    Thank you

    Funny how family can be your greatest asset or greatest problem, sometimes both.

    I have been preaching that honesty and truth are the only way to live life until my kids probably think I'm a broken record, but as they age I think I'm seeing them realize Dad isn't as silly as maybe they thought.

    Thanks again



    My family & clan are my country.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    W. Georgia
    Good for Milo, he is one of my favorite characters in this saga. Thanks Pac.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    nw mountains
    Thank you Pac.
    The word Bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. George Carlin

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    Milo sat for a long time thinking about Dr. Honey Latimer. He felt she liked him, maybe even a lot; would it be enough to take them past the scandal, he didn't know for sure, but she had given him a heck of a kiss before she left.

    The nervous and tightly stretched bundle of nerves Dr. Latimer, was on the second floor watching Milo out the window. She was standing back toward the wall edge, when she noticed Jillian circling around like the shark Milo had said she was.

    Milo got up and moved away, gathering up the lunch papers and putting them in the trash on his way past. He had forgotten Ben and Tess's wedding was before supper and he needed to get a move on. Jillian was left standing with a perturbed look on her face and Honey smiled. "Not this man, not this time Jillian," Honey was thinking. "This ones mine."

    Milo walked in the main house whistling, a calm happiness in his eyes. Clora looked up and smiled and Lemmie smiled at Clora's happiness.

    "Must be a girl," Lemmie whispered. Clora nodded, "a good one to boot."

    The good Reverend Scott drove in, and the spit polished and shined clan was ready for the wedding. Mark walked Tess down the aisle to meet Ben and then he stepped back to Clora and took her arm and put it through his. Standing together, they watched their daughter exchange vows with the only man that daughter had ever loved.

    It was quiet, peaceful and filled with love. The people were hard working, but the clothes were clean and the house neat. Reverend Scott read the standard vows, and there were no terrible songs or screechy ladies singing. The wedding kiss was dignified and done with respect.

    Ben walked Tess the length of the living room and then they turned around to get the well wishes from the family. Allen Scott heartily approved and he complimented the Dad and Mom for such a beautiful ceremony.

    "It's young people as these, that renew my faith in the coming generations." he remarked. "They are very much in love, use respect and understand a lavish show is a waste of money. I approve very much of the job you are doing here."

    Mark and Clora smiled, said "thank You," and invited the Minister to share a meal with them. He couldn't stay, but did toast the Bride and Groom with cold grape juice.

    The heartfelt ceremony renewed the everlasting vows of all the married couples there, only Cody and Abbi paid no attention to the message. Toby and Rennie felt the surge of dedication, as did Robert and Mandy. Lemmie was looking all misty eyed at Hank and Clora had Mark's warm hand holding hers.

    Back in the shadows Milo was thinking of Honey, wondering if someday they might be standing where Ben and Tess were standing, accepting the congratulations from the family. He liked the idea, and for once didn't have a panic when he thought about committing to one person for a lifetime.

    Dad had told him a long time ago, when the right one came along that Milo would know. It would just be there in his heart, a certainty filled with calm conviction that it was right. Ole Dad was getting smarter and smarter, as Milo got older.

    Mark and Clora were watching Milo, and Mark whispered in Clora's ear, "I'll bet you he's the next one." Clora smiled and nodded, she was busy looking at her handsome cowboy. Mark had a new black western cut suit and with his white shirt and black string tie, his suntanned face with the white hair and mustache was a killer combination. Handsome enough to make Clora's little heart go pitter-pat.

    Mark had insisted she go to town with him and Clora came home with a light grey slub silk suit, and tiny grey heels. Every kid in the family was amazed that Ma looked so pretty. Mandy and Tess had worked on her hair, piling it up and dusting a bit of blusher and lipstick on her face.

    Suddenly it was easy to see why Dad still acted so smitten with Ma. She looked wonderful; he looked so handsome and the kids were proud they belonged to the clan.

    Supper was over, the wedding cake presented and then the presents. Tess opened the packages while Ben stood behind her chair looking proud and happy.

    Toby held Lyric while Rennie helped clear the dishes, Milo was standing in the back holding Barry up so he could see and Mark had hoisted TJ up to watch. Luke was standing by Clora's chair, and the children clapped when each present was unwrapped.

    Mandy was setting out coffee, tea and plates of cake after it had been cut, and the kids were anxious for desert.

    Ben and Tess were escorted to their new quarters with food for the morning and all the presents. "Thank you everybody, this was a wonderful wedding. Now, go away," Ben shouted as he took Tess in the house and firmly shut the door.

    There was a lot of good natured laughter as families took tired kids home to bed. Milo lay in his bed for a long time before he could go to sleep, he was thinking about unusual gold colored eyes and how they revealed what the lady was thinking.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Southern born, Southern bred
    Thank you Pac.

    Got Jesus? It's hell without Him.

    * When the People become scared of the government it's called Tyranny. When the government becomes scared of the people it's called LIBERTY!!*
    Thomas Jefferson


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