The baby in Clora's arms slept quietly as she and Mark knelt on the grass. They were touching shoulder to shoulder and Mark had a possessive arm around Clora. Mark was praying aloud. Thanking God, who by His Grace and Blessing had brought them through another earth shattering crisis.

Couple by couple came to their own decisions and joined the parents that had conquered incredible odds to keep the clan together as a family. Hearts overflowing with gratitude and unspeakable joy, lifted voices in praise.

The sons and daughter and friends of the steadfast couple responsible for saving them from the fate that had just swept the world, gathered their own children close and knelt in supplication.

Never before had their been an example to them of how strong faith and obedience to God's laws was the only life they could consider.

The husband, children and friends of Clora Apperton Hanson Linderman thanked God for sending her to earth and the special privileges he had given her. All of them knew without a doubt they wouldn't have lived through the purge. They had sins, lots of them. But, they had listened to Ma, when she told them to pray and repent those sins, or they would be doomed to repeat them forever.

One woman's faith had saved and motivated twenty five people.
That woman prayed, praised and sang a joyful noise unto the Lord. The family joined her, laughing, crying and loving one another as only strong family ties can make possible.

Clora handed the child in her arms to Phoebe, it was getting close to supper time and people needed to be fed. God hadn't promised them a trial free life, just that He would walk with them. Feeding the family was going to be a strain, but Clora knew they had help.

"Robbie, are you hungry?" Clora called out, knowing the growing boy was constantly hungry.

"Yeah, let's go eat, before they start kissing again," he complained.