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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    On the Rock
    Thanks Pac!

    Now you have to wonder who would be tracking them now... This isn't a family that has ever not been monitored.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    State WA
    Good, thank you .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    It was Milo that was on watch, when Seamus stirred and re arranged his boots by the fire. The big man sat hunched over close to the fire and it looked like he was praying. Milo didn't disturb the piper, he had a problem of his own. Several times already, he had felt the presence of the wolf, the animal was stalking him; seeking revenge for the killing of his mate.
    To Milo, it was what he would have done, if he were the wolf; so he supposed generic man wasn't all that removed from the wild-ness of animals, especially now.

    Milo actually welcomed the intentions of the wolf. It had been a long time since he had matched wits with a worthy man or beast, and it would help pass the time. Milo let Gary sleep, instead of waking him up for the next watch. He figured Gary was their weakest link. The man acted like he had been without sleep for a long time, and that was never good.

    With Honey's confirmation, Milo had ventured the opinion to her that there was still something wrong between Gary and Jainey. Honey had nodded, she had felt it also. Honey had said Jainey hadn't confided in her, so she didn't know what was wrong.

  4. #4
    Thank you Pac.


  5. #5
    thanks, Mrs. PAC

    managed to slip by and check and boom another gift. :-)



    My family & clan are my country.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    nw mountains
    Wow! A couple of additions! Thank you Dear Lady!
    The word Bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. George Carlin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    As it does when the sleeping conditions aren't ideal, morning came way too soon. It was deep cloudy and smelled like rain.
    Wood smoke hugged the ground and Milo was definitely smelling the smoke from another fire. Everyone got a cup of meat and then a cup of broth. The pot was emptied of bones and washed out, water straws were used to fill canteens and sports bottles from the creek.. Seamus's boots were examined and no one could identify the odd smell and what the leather might have been tanned with.

    Shortly after first light they set out, following their noses to the source of the wood smoke. They walked steadily for an hour, not actually any closer to the source of the smoke. Gary was rear guard, as usual, and he informed Milo that the wolf was following them.

    "He'll follow until he gets a chance at me," Milo was matter of fact, with his observation. "I've seen the hatred in his eyes."

    Gary thought that was a little fanciful and said so.

    Milo shook his head in a negative way. "No, a lot of time a wolf will mate for life. Wouldn't you hunt down someone that killed Jainey?"

    "In a heartbeat," Gary fired back, and then looked over to see Milo eyeing him strangely.

    "Then why do I get such strange vibes from the both of you?" Milo asked with his usual brashness.

    "There are difficulties," Gary wouldn't elaborate any further.

    "And why haven't you been sleeping? You do enough work and exercise, you should be dead tired."

    "Part of the difficulties," Gary mumbled and turned to ignore Milo. Milo started to speak again, and Gary turned around and said "Stuff it, or I will."

    That was plain enough, to get through to Milo and he shrugged and kept on walking.

    The terrain was dropping, like they were nearing a broad river basin. Milo heard it first. Crying by a young sounding voice.

    Approaching cautiously and stealthy, Gary was in side the tree line when he spotted the young boy, tied to a tree.

  8. #8
    Thank you Pac for more of your story.



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