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Story Master Lincoln and Goliath
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooterville, MI

    Master Lincoln and Goliath

    This is a short tale about the incredible power of the imagination of youth.....

    Master Lincoln and Goliath


    Goliath was a pure bred palomino stallion with a chestnut coat, a long white mane, tail and forelock. His dark intelligent eyes were set wide in his forehead as a testament to his calm nature and trustworthiness. His silver trimmed saddle and purple blanket were an indication of his regal bearing. The shiny brass pommel and leather of his saddle were of the highest quality. His shiny black hooves were firmly attached to the solid wooden boards that his special breed of rocking horse was known for.
    Young Master Lincoln was delighted to receive Goliath for Christmas from his parents when he was four years old and they had instantly become inseparable. Their adventures were epic and far ranging. They would ride far and wide in their imaginary travels. Goliath would prance out onto the path stepping so high that his hooves would touch Lincoln’s feet in the stirrups. He would break into a gallop at the slightest urging and they would fly like the wind. There was no plow reining for the likes of Goliath; no, the slightest touch of rein to neck and he would know the young masters wishes. His stamina was unmatched yet he would instantly know when Lincoln was tiring and return to the young master’s play room in the house under the great oak tree.
    With Goliath at full gallop, Master Lincoln would bravely brandish his sword to drive away villains, pirates and all manner of evil. With his silver pistols in his holsters, they even dared to face fire breathing dragons and monsters single-handed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    The Last Frontier
    Lovely! What a picture you've begun here ~ Thank you!
    All that is gold does not glitter....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooterville, MI
    Goliath’s incredible speed allowed them to dodge dragon’s fire and with his great strength they would break through the webs of giant spiders. Always victorious, they would prance through town to the cheers of the people to tell them that the threat was over and they were safe once again. When the adventure was over, Master Lincoln would crawl from the back of his trusty steed, tired but happy and relate the tale to any who would listen. Goliath would rest in the play room stable to regain his strength for the next adventure that he knew would come all too quickly.
    The following morning, an urgent call went out far and wide for a hero to come help a village that was being threatened by a huge flesh eating bird of prey known as a Roc. The beast had only eaten cattle and sheep, but the elders were worried that it would only be a matter of time before someone from the village was attacked. Master Lincoln had heard the call for help and ran to Goliath who pranced nervously in the play room stable as he had heard the call for help as well. After all, they had fought dragons before so a giant bird shouldn’t be that much harder because a bird couldn’t breathe fire, right? He found his sword, holstered his silver pistols and climbed up on Goliath’s back. Together, he thought, Goliath and I are fast and strong. We will help the people of the village to be safe once again.
    They trotted out onto the path and quickly broke into a canter. There was no hesitation when young Master Lincoln urged Goliath into his incredible distance consuming gallop to hurry to the aid of the village as they rode hard and fast. In what seemed like no time at all, they arrived in the square of the deserted village.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooterville, MI
    As they began to search the skies for the evil Roc, a blood-curdling screech shook the ground as an immense black bird with a cruel hooked beak swooped by low overhead trailing smoke off of its black wings. “It’s bigger than a dragon!” thought Master Lincoln as Goliath instinctively sought the cover of some low trees. The Roc wheeled about to begin another pass over the village with heavy wing beats that increased in speed as it drew ever closer. The rising roar of wind over its wings filled the air and shook the earth with its intensity. Master Lincoln drew his sword as Goliath sprang from the safety of cover to threaten the evil monster of the air. The great black wings of the Roc hit an even more powerful down stroke just as it passed over the spot where Master Lincoln had chosen for his attack. The downdraft carried such a great force that the whirlwind of foul smelling air knocked Master Lincoln to the ground in the middle of the village square. Gasping for breath with the wind knocked out of him, Master Lincoln scrambled to his feet, sword in hand, searching the skies for the monster he knew would certainly return. From out of the swirling smoke and dust, his brave Goliath appeared to stand protectively at his side. Before he could regain the saddle, the Roc was above them again rapidly fanning its wings, hovering above them and driving him to his knees with hurricane force winds that stank of filth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooterville, MI
    Master Lincoln held fast to Goliath’s reins and climbed to his feet in the midst of the maelstrom to regain the saddle. Together once again, the courageous pair spun to face the attack of the huge black bird as the massive hooked beak snapped at them left and right. Goliath lunged and sidestepped to avoid the attack giving them a moment to position themselves below the great black feathered neck. Brandishing his sword high, Master Lincoln yelled, “Now jump!” and Goliath leaped from the ground to drive his master’s sword deep into the exposed neck of the evil black Roc tearing the sword from his hand.

    With a scream that tore the air, the huge black bird convulsed, rolled and crashed into the ground in the village square throwing a wave of soil into the air from the force of the impact.

  6. #6
    Thank you.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    nw mountains
    High adventure indeed! Thanks.
    The word Bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. George Carlin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooterville, MI
    Master Lincoln slid slowly from the saddle to sit exhausted at Goliath’s feet and closed his eyes while the Roc thrashed out its life and became still.

    In the play room, Master Lincoln rolled over and blinked up into the beam of sunlight that warmed the floor around him. He was hungry and his shoulder hurt from his fall. Worst of all, he was afraid he had lost his sword. Above him, Goliath stood silently awaiting the young master’s command just as he always had. Goliath’s dark intelligent eyes gazed into the distance, betraying nothing as he stood calmly resting in the play room stable; one of his rockers firmly planted on top of a four foot long black feather.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    nw mountains
    Thank you
    The word Bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. George Carlin

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    SE Okieland

    A short story worth the read....

    Thank you....

    An American Christian....
    Live Free and Die Free....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    NE Iowa
    Delightful story! I can imagine my great-grandson behaving in such a manner.
    Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
    President Theodore Rooseveldt

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hooterville, MI
    I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It was written for my grandson, Lincoln.


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