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Story Homestead, Sweet, Homestead
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    Homestead, Sweet, Homestead


    "Ready up," Mark sang out, "let's move."

    When they had stopped to iron out the problem of where they were headed, tired people needed the rest. Now they were restless, ready to move. There seemed to be a lightness, a relief that the caravan had been whittled down to the core seven; and the core was happy.

    Wagons creaked and horses leaned into the traces as the heavy wagons inched forward.

    Clara was following Judy with the heavy freight box, pulling the hospital cart. Sitting up so high, she felt scared to death to handle the six up team. Corbin had assured her, that she would be ok, especially since she was driving his own personal team that was very well trained.

    Corbin was the last wagon, with the loaded sewing machine cart on behind. One of the cows and the stud cold trailed behind him.

    Clora was the first wagon, smiling giddily and hearing praise music in her heart. The night before, she and Mark had softly discussed the relief and openness they felt about the split.

    "I feel guilty, feeling such relief. I understand the goodness of the people traveling with us. We raised them," she said with a chuckle. "There seemed to be such a varied and diverse range of opinions, frankly, far out of the bounds of what we had established for our family."

    "I agree," Mark spoke with a warm contentment. "I feel the same relief. We will miss Corbin and Clara and Judy; but I understand the pull of returning to the farm where his roots are. Did I hear you right, Tess is the motivating factor to head toward Iowa?"

    "Yes, she is so excited to be regaining some of her 'knowing.'

    "Well, if we're going to get there in time to prepare for winter, we have to get a move on and fast. By my reckoning, we have approximately 300 miles to go, to reach the Des Moines area. That's another month of travel in the least. This is the end of May, we could very well be into July before we get there." Mark was pensive with worry.

    "Get us up early," Clora teased, "we are rested from our mini vacation."

    She said the correct words to Mark; as anxious as he was to be on the move.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    nw mountains
    Thank you! The next chapter or should I say book in the series.
    The word Bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out. George Carlin

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Thank you Mrs. PAC

    marking my stake in this new one.

    Thanks muches, glad tess it regaining her mojo. :-)



    My family & clan are my country.

  5. #5
    Thank you! Thank you! I was having withdrawals!

  6. #6
    Thank You Mrs Pac.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    the pacific north west

    Mark was good to his word. Faint dawn was just breaking, when he went around rousing the clan. During the rushed breakfast, that the sons had predicted would happen, Mark visited each family and explained the reasons for hurry.

    "If we can make another five miles per day, look at the savings in time, and days. This last push will be exhaustive, we need to be single minded about not stopping. I propose that we stop at the regular time tonight, in order for the ladies to cook ahead. We will get up the same time tomorrow morning, but we won't be stopping for lunch, and will drive until dusk." Mark spread the word.

    The sons stood grinning, each had accurately predicted what their father would do, and had forewarned their wives. The wives were feeling terribly pressured, but agreeable.

    To a lady, they were thinking that the sooner they could get to their new homes, the better.

    Tess was thinking that she could drive forever, now that Drill Sargent Millie had the triplets under control. The sweet little darlings were "yes'am, and no' mama' they were practicing potty trained, sleeping without the bed time traumas of stalling, eating by themselves, and in general showing themselves to be worthy clan members.

    Suddenly all the children were behaving better, and mama's, when they had a minute to gather and talk about the subject, firmly decided that Gary's boys were the cause of the difficult strife that had occurred.

    Each woman was deeply sorrowful over David and Scotty having some sort of bone disease, and nightly prayers were sent heavenward for the boy's recovery.

    The husbands were aware of the sentiment, and all agreed that the two foundlings were unusual, at best.

    Mark ranged out in front as far as he dared, scouting the terrain and attempting to choose the best trail to follow. To his reckoning, they made twelve miles the second day, an increase of two miles. That ramped up the enthusiasm, and determination ruled the day.

    By the end of the fourth day, Mark was telling the group they should be reaching the town of Kingdom City, where they would turn North.

    That milestone was celebrated on the outskirts of the ramshackle, wood slab sided town. A crossroads of major importance, Kingdom City had one store for re-supplying, and Mark went into investigate.

    Toby and Milo took the brief downtime to inspect the horses; checking on shoes, harness and the wagons. The ladies did quick washes of the most important pieces of clothing that were dirty.

    Clara was helping Corbin inspect their teams and wagons. "Another two days at the most, and we will turning away and going East," Corbin was testing the harness. "I want to stay South of the lake, as we head to Bowling Green. I've been debating, but I believe I will lead, then Judy as second and then you, Dear. The team I'm driving are broke, but not mature, if that makes any sense. Both you ladies have well mannered outfits, and they will reliably follow. Clara, I've been forgetting to ask you about Judy's team and wagon. Did you buy them, or do I need to negotiate their price with Mark?"

    "Judy and I bought our way in by sewing clothes for the clan," Clara smiled at her new husband. "Mark said that was more than sufficient, but I'm afraid the supply cart behind Judy's wagon belongs to Clora."

    "What's in it?" Corbin mumbled.

    "Clora's sewing machine, and sewing supplies," Clara sounded wistful, but tried to cover her disappointment in having to leave the one machine she was an expert in using.

    "We'egotoneathome," Corbin mumbled. "In fact we have two, … I think. Mom's and Grandma's machines are up in the attic. I'm the fourth generation to live in that house, and I can assure you, they never threw anything away."

    "Oh really," Clara breathed in excitement, "Oh Corbin, I could give you a great big hug. Judy and I had dreams of setting up a dress shop, or general clothing or whatever the neighborhood people wanted to have sewn, kind of shop. I can't think of any better way," and Clara dropped her voice to speak directly into Corbin's ear, "to have Judy introduced to a whole new variety of people. Young gentleman type people, specifically."

    "You certainly are a devious type woman," Corbin teased, "will you make me a shirt?" he tried to project a piteous little boy attitude, and totally failed.

    "Oh yes," Clara promised, "I'll even embroider little red hearts and some flowers on the collar, maybe some down the front,"

    "The hell you will," Corbin mock growled. "I'm too old, and totally manly, to do sissy stuff like that."

    "Not too old, but totally manly," Clara approved with a wicked grin, "oh my yes."

    Corbin straightened up from inspecting the harness with a grin that matched the wickedness Clara was beaming. "hum, come over here little girl, let the big bad wolf see if you really mean it." he cajoled sweetly.

    "Not by the hair on your chinny, chin, chin," Clara retorted laughing.

    "I don't have any hair on my chinny, chin, chin," Corbin smoothly whispered, "or haven't you noticed?"

    "I have," Clara whispered back as she got a toe tingling kiss. "I'd better have another, to make sure, you understand."

    "This one's free," Corbin half growled, "and so is the next one." He made Clara sigh with pleasure.


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