Hey All! Looks like the new week snuck up on me again Today is my first shift back on nights - looking forward to it, though I'll have to get used to the different work crews as I usually only spend time with them when we report off. Most of 'em are pretty sharp and are good kids (and when I say kids, I mean not only young enough to be my kid, but in some cases my grandkid!); there are only a couple of hot-dogs in the group, so there shouldn't be too much chaos.

Preps are mostly taking a backseat to the Holidays right now, although I guess that some of the gifts I've purchased are prep in nature. I've also expended some printer ink printing off pics of edible 'weeds' and medicinal plants and putting them in a notebook. I have a couple of good books, but the photos are small; these are 8x10, so easier to compare in the field - and easier on old eyes to look at I'm going to use some of them to show the grandsons how to tell the difference between the different pines and spruce trees we have in the yard the next time they are out.

Older grandson started the next session of Jr Rifle club; when I paid his fee, I donated a scholarship for another child - get 'em interested while they are young and hopefully they will be on track to be 2nd Amendment supporters as they grow up!

Well, I've got about a half hour before I need to see if I can catch a nap before I go in to work; just enough time to get that last load of laundry hung to dry make sure I've got everything I need to stay comfy at work (long johns, check; coffee pods, check; handwarmers, check....)

Take care all; have a blessed week!